Dual Currency offers:
Investors can earn high interest yields no matter what direction the market goes. In a bear market, the Buy Low position allows investors to purchase digital assets at a lower price in the future while earning interest. When the market is bullish, the Sell High position allows investors to sell digital assets at a higher price in the future while earning interest.
Currently, USDT, USDⓢ, BTC, and ETH are available for Dual Currency. Investors can customize the tenor ranging from 1 to 180 days, and the minimum investment is 100 USDⓢ or USDT/0.01BTC/0.1ETH.
If interested in WhaleFin Dual Currency, contact our dedicated relationship manager to learn more. We offer customized investment solutions to help diversify risks and enhance returns.
Note: The market price of the linked asset BTC/ETH is calculated as the average value of the price index 30 minutes before 16:00 (UTC+8) on the expiry day, and the settlement currency is determined according to the comparison of the strike price and the market price. Yield will be distributed after the expiry date with automatic settlement to the available balance of the wallet within 24 hours. This product does not support early redemption. The Dual Currency Product is not principal protected. You may lose a part or the entirety of your investment principal due to market conditions. Past performance is not an indication of future returns.
Remember to do your research to understand the implications of investing using Dual Currency!
The Dual Currency Product is not principal protected. You may lose a part or the entirety of your investment principal due to market conditions. Past performance is not an indication of future returns.
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